The Webinaris webinar software connects seamlessly with Quentn. This allows you to use Quentn, for example, to run follow-up campaigns for your webinar attendees or to measure the success of your webinar campaign based on product purchases.
To connect Quentn and Webinaris, a Quentn Basic account is required to unlock the API.
Step 1: Creating the required tags in Quentn
- In your Quentn system, switch to the Contacts Tags menu item.
- Now create at least the following tags:
- Webinaris registered
- Webinaris participated
- Webinaris completed
Tip: You can read how to create tags here.
Step 2: Create two contact fields in Quentn
- Go to the menu item "Contacts" and "Contact fields".
- Click on the green "Add new field" button.
- Create a field of the type "Date". You will need this later to automatically include the date and time of the webinar in your emails. For example, this field could be called "Webinar Date".
- Then create a field of the type "URL". You will need this later to send the link to the webinar room in the emails automatically. This field could be called "Webinar Room Link".
Step 3: Set up double opt-in via Quentn in Webinaris
- In Webinaris, click on "Autowebinars" and "My Webinars".
- Select the corresponding webinar.
- Click on "Expert settings" and "Interface".
- When asked if you are double opting in via another system, select "Yes" and save.
Step 4: Connect Webinaris and Quentn
- We stay in Webinaris at "Expert Settings" and "Interface".
- Click the blue "Add Plugin" button and find Quentn.
- Follow the instructions. You can find your API information in your Quentn account under "Settings" and "API Info".
Step 5: Assign tags and contact fields
- Once Quentn is added, click the three-dot edit menu.
- Select the appropriate tags for actions. Example:
- You assign the tag "Webinar registered" once a registration has taken place.
- Then assign "Webinar attended" once the contact has been present in the webinar for a certain amount of time.
- Third, assign the tag "Webinar finished", for example, as soon as the webinar was actually viewed to the end.
- Now you need to determine the data fields (i.e. the contact fields just created in Quentn):
- Webinar Date → Webinaris_UNIXTimestamp
- Webinar Room Link → Webinaris_Webinarlink
Step 6: Create campaign in Quentn
- Now go back to your Quentn system and create a new campaign (or edit an existing one).
- Start the campaign with the event element "Tag(s) changed" and configure it with a double click so that all contacts who receive the tag "Webinar registered" come into this campaign. Optional: If the webinar can (or should) be visited multiple times, you can now bind the action element "Reset campaign" as well as revoke the tag "Webinar registered" and assign a new tag at the same time (so you know that the contact has been there before).
- Now bind the "Email Confirmation" element so that the contacts can complete the double opt-in. Once you have done this, they will be able to receive more emails from you.
- Now bind the sequence.
- In the first e-mail, you can now send the access data: Use the placeholders (date field) for this.
- To send the link to the webinar room, click on "Special links" and find the corresponding placeholder.