If you have a Pro account or higher, you can export your campaigns and share them with other Quentn users.
Log in to your Quentn account and click on Campaigns in the menu on the left to get to the overview.
Then click on Actions and Export next to the desired campaign on the right.
A pop-up then opens. Here you can give the campaign a new title if necessary and set up dynamic placeholders if required. These can be used to replace values in emails and in URLs. When importing, the user is prompted to specify a value for each placeholder. This is useful for affiliate placeholders, for example.
In the second tab of the pop-up, Emails, you determine which email content should be exported.
Once you have made your desired settings, click on Export campaign.
You will now find the campaign in the Campaign Overview in the Exported Campaigns tab.
Share exported campaigns
To share the exported campaign with other Quentn users, go to the exported campaigns tab in the campaign overview. For the desired campaign, click on Actions -> Share on the right.
A pop-up will now open again. You will be shown the URL, which you can, for example, enter in an e-mail campaign or share in another way so that another Quentn user can import the campaign.
Under the Invitations tab, you can immediately send the link to a contact.
Attention: Use of different editors
Quentn currently offers two different email editors. Many import campaigns are still created with the classic editor. If you have activated the Drag&Drop editor and import a campaign that was created in the classic editor, complications will arise: You can edit the emails, but you cannot save them properly.
This is the reason:
When you activate the drag & drop editor, the system insists that you use the placeholders for the imprint. If these are missing in the e-mail, it cannot be saved.
This function does not exist in the classic editor.
So if you import mails that do not contain the placeholders, you will get an error message when saving when you edit the imported mails.
This is what you can do:
You have two options:
a) Switch back to the classic editor
b) You copy the contents of the imported e-mails (if you want to use them), delete the e-mails from the sequences and then add new ones. You can then edit these e-mails with the drag & drop editor. Paste the contents again.