Mit der Kontakt-API kannst du deine Kontaktobjekte einfach verwalten. Sie bietet eine vollständige CRUD-Implementierung für Kontaktobjekte und bietet Methoden zum Hinzufügen, Entfernen und Aktualisieren der Kontakttaxonomie.
Du kannst auf die Kontakt-REST-API mit der folgenden Basis-URL zugreifen:
Retrieve a contact [GET]
URI Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
fields | No | list | List of contact fields to return.Example: family_name,phone,mail |
GET https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>?fields=<fields> HTTP/1.1
"id": 123,
"first_name": "John",
"family_name": "Doe",
"mail": "",
"terms": [1,2,3]
Die Kontakt-ID wird immer zurückgegeben. Wenn der Parameter fields weggelassen wird, werden standardmäßig die folgenden Felder zurückgegeben: id, first_name, family_name, mail.
Retrieve contacts by mail [GET]
URI Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
fields | No | list | List of contact fields to return. Example: family_name,phone,mail |
GET https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_mail>?fields=<fields> HTTP/1.1
"id": 123,
"mail": "",
"id": 124,
"mail": "",
Bitte beachte, dass mehrere Kontakte die gleiche E-Mail-Adresse besitzen können. Daher wird das Ergebnis immer als Array zurückgegeben - auch wenn nur ein Kontakt gefunden wurde.
Create contact [POST]
Request Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
contact | Yes | object |
Contact object must contain either a valid mail field or a full address including the following fields: first_name, family_name, ba_street, ba_city, ba_postal_code. When field comment is provided, a new comment will be added. Here is a full list of available contact fields. |
duplicate_check_method | No | string |
Defines the method that will be used to check for duplicate contacts to merge with. Possible values are: auto : A probability algorithm will be used to search for duplicates (Default) |
duplicate_merge_method | No | string |
Defines the method that will be used to merge the conact if a duplicate was found. Possible values are: update_add: missing fields will be added, existing fields will be overwritten (Default) |
return_fields | No | array |
Defines additional contact fields, which should be returned in case of success. This makes sense for example, when you have duplicates. |
request_ip | No | string |
The IPv4 address which belongs to the contact, for example from the request which submitted a form. This field needs to be present when using "flood_limit" or "spam_protection". |
flood_limit | No | int |
The maximum number of contacts which can be created from the same "request_ip" within an hour. (0 = disabled) |
spam_protection | No | bool |
When this is set, the "request_ip" will be checked against a spammer database. |
POST https://<system_id>.<server_id> HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"contact" : {
"first_name" : "John",
"family_name" : "Doe",
"mail" : "",
"request_ip" : "",
"duplicate_check_method" : "email",
"duplicate_merge_method" : "update_add",
"return_fields" : [
"flood_limit" : 5,
"spam_protection" : true
"id": 123,
Create multiple contacts in one call [POST]
Request Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
contacts | Yes | object |
Contacts object must contain at least one contact object with a valid mail field. When field comment is provided, a new comment will be added for the corresponding contact. Here is a full list of available contact fields. |
duplicate_check_method | No | string |
Defines the method that will be used to check for duplicate contacts to merge with. Possible values are: auto : A probability algorithm will be used to search for duplicates (Default) |
duplicate_merge_method | No | string |
Defines the method that will be used to merge the conact if a duplicate was found. Possible values are: update_add: missing fields will be added, existing fields will be overwritten (Default) |
return_fields | No | array |
Defines additional contact fields, which should be returned in case of success. This makes sense for example, when you have duplicates. |
request_ip | No | string |
The IPv4 address which belongs to the contact, for example from the request which submitted a form. This field needs to be present when using "flood_limit" or "spam_protection". |
flood_limit | No | int |
The maximum number of contacts which can be created from the same "request_ip" within an hour. (0 = disabled) |
spam_protection | No | bool |
When this is set, the "request_ip" will be checked against a spammer database. |
POST https://<system_id>.<server_id> HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"contacts" : [
"first_name" : "John",
"family_name" : "Doe",
"mail" : "",
"request_ip" : "",
"first_name" : "James",
"family_name" : "Doe",
"mail" : "",
"request_ip" : "",
"duplicate_check_method" : "email",
"duplicate_merge_method" : "update_add",
"return_fields" : [
"flood_limit" : 5,
"spam_protection" : true
"id": 123,
"email": "",
"id": 124,
"email": "",
Example response in case of single contact creation error:
"id": 123,
"email": "",
"email": "",
"error": true,
"message": "The error message"
Update contact [PUT]
PUT https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id> HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"first_name": "John",
"family_name": "Doe",
"mail": "",
"return_fields" : [
"success": "true",
Delete contact [DELETE]
DELETE https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id> HTTP/1.1
"success": "true",
Contact tags API
Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, die Tags von Kontakten abzurufen und zu setzen, z.B. kannst du einfach die oben genannten CRUD-Methoden verwenden, um das Feld "Begriffe" des Kontakts zu setzen und abzurufen. Es gibt jedoch Situationen, in denen du vielleicht nur ein Tag hinzufügen oder löschen möchtest, ohne das gesamte Feld "Begriffe" (erneut) zu setzen.
Get contact terms [GET]
GET https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/terms HTTP/1.1
"id" : 12,
"name" : "ExampleTag",
"description" : "Example description text"
"id" : 13,
"name" : "Sample",
"description" : "",
Set contact terms [POST] (DEPRECATED)
Hinweis: Wenn du diese POST-Methode verwendest, überschreibst du das gesamte Begriffsfeld. Wenn du nur Kontakt-Tags hinzufügen möchtest, verwende bitte die PUT-Methode.
POST https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/terms HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"success": "true",
Add contact terms [PUT]
PUT https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/terms HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"success": "true",
Delete contact terms [DELETE]
DELETE https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/terms HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"success": "true",
Contact comments API
Retrieve contact comments [GET]
URI Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
range | No | int | Defines the range of comments which should be returned. Starts from 0. Default = 0. |
limit | No | int | Defines the number of comments which should be returned. Default = 50. Upper limit = 50. |
sort | No | string | Defines the order of the results. Results are always ordered by id. Possible values: "asc" and "desc". Default = "asc". |
GET https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>?range=<range>&limit=<limit>&sort=<sort> HTTP/1.1
"range": 1,
"limit": 10,
"sort": "desc",
"number_comments": 12,
"number_ranges": 2,
"comments": [
"id": 8,
"contact_id": 93,
"uid": 2,
"created": 1627980505,
"changed": 1627980505,
"comment": "this is a comment",
"id": 9,
"contact_id": 93,
"uid": 2,
"created": 1627980614,
"changed": 1627980728,
"comment": "this is another comment",
Add contact comment [POST]
POST https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/comments HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"comment": "this is a comment"
"success": "true",
"comment_id": 5,
Update contact comment [PUT]
PUT https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/comments HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"id": 5,
"comment": "this is an updated comment"
"success": "true",
Delete contact comments [DELETE]
DELETE https://<system_id>.<server_id><contact_id>/comments HTTP/1.1
Request body:
"success": "true",
Verfügbare Kontaktfelder
Field name | Data type | Description |
title | CHAR(1) |
Possible values: m : Mr. |
title2 | CHAR(4) |
Possible values: dr : Dr. |
first_name | CHAR(255) | First name |
family_name | CHAR(255) | Family name |
company | CHAR(255) | Company |
job_title | CHAR(255) | Job title |
CHAR(255) | Primary email | |
mail_status | integer |
Note: You need special permissions in order for this to have an effect! Possible values: |
mail2 | CHAR(255) | Secondary email |
phone_type | CHAR(6) |
Possible values: work : Work |
phone | CHAR(255) | Primary phone number |
phone2_type | CHAR(6) |
Possible values: work : Work |
phone2 | CHAR(255) | Secondary phone number |
fax | CHAR(255) | Fax number |
skype | CHAR(255) | Skype name |
fb | CHAR(255) | |
CHAR(255) | ||
ba_street | CHAR(255) | Street (Billing Address) |
ba_street2 | CHAR(255) | Street 2 (Billing Address) |
ba_city | CHAR(255) | City (Billing Address) |
ba_postal_code | CHAR(20) | Postal Code (Billing Address) |
ba_state | CHAR(20) | State (Billing Address) |
ba_country | CHAR(2) | Country as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Example: DE for Germany |
date_of_birth | DATETIME | Date of birth as ISO 8601. Example: 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 |
terms | LIST | Contact term id's. Example: [1,2,3] |
created | integer | Contact's creation date as unix timestamp (Read only) |
uid | integer | User ID of contact's owner |
owner | mixed | When field is read, an object will be returned which contains: uid: integer (user ID) mail: string (user's email address) When field is set, it accepts either integer (uid) or string (mail). |
Kontaktfeld-Typen (eigene Kontaktfelder)
Field type | Data type | Description |
text | String | Please check the individual maximum field size (ranges from 8 to 255 characters) |
List selection (single value) | String | |
List selection (multiple values) | Array | Example: ["selection_a","selection_c"] |
Float number | Float | Always use dot (.) as decimal seperator. |
Integer number | Integer | |
Datetime | mixed | Expects either a unix timestamp (e.g. '1594034942'), or an ISO 8601 formatted date (e.g. '2007-12-24T18:21Z') |